

Neil Diamond once said "Making music is my life, the one constant I can't live without. It's more than a desire or yearning; it's a necessity". Never a truer word spoken, as that resonates with me. Music is what makes us feel connected with each other and which speaks a language everyone can understand.

Primarily a live performer I sing everything from folk and blues/jazz to rock with pop, r&b, reggae and gospel in between. I play my piano, play some guitar and love performance, whether acoustic or electric. As long as it is live.

My debut folk album, The Gathering, is out now. You can purchase the physical album here, on my site, or download it at CD Baby and other usual sources. For videos of some of my performances and a couple of music type videos please visit my YouTube channel.

I am available for gigs, functions and will be performing in and around Edinburgh for the coming season, something I am greatly looking forward to. Please contact me if you would like to know more about my music, the album or wish to discuss booking gigs. You can also find me on Google+.
